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Kids Box Level 1 Activity Book

Il corso aggiornato per avere ottimi risultati. Completamente rivisto, per affrontare i test del nuovo esame Cambridge English: Young Learners (YLE). Lo Starter dà un ulteriore supporto di pregrafismo. Pronto a dare il via al percorso in inglese del tuo bambino? Clicca sul link qui sotto per ottenere la tua copia del Kids Box 1 Activity book tramite il nostro link Amazon. 📖✨

This seven-level course gives children a confident start to learning English, and makes lessons a joy for teachers. Perfect for general use, the course is updated with vocabulary and activities that cover the syllabus of Pre-A1 Starters, A1 Movers, and A2 Flyers.

The Starter Level, designed for the international edition, gives children a quick start to English before they can read or write, and can be used in the last year of Infantil.


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